Discografía Nuestra

This discography isn't 100% complete yet. Given the band has recorded a few dozen 7" singles, it might never be completely finished. Here now are the full length albums. If you want to know the official lyrics you'll have to wait. For now, just scream along to the music the lyrics you think best fit the music.

The Sweetest Fruit

The Sweetest Fruit album cover


Kittens Eat Roosters

Kittens Eat Roosters album cover


Fuzz on the Peach

Fuzz on the Peach album cover


22 Uses For A Severed Head

22 Uses For A Severed Head album cover


Grindcore Cowgirls

Grindcore Cowgirls album cover


Pink Velvet Swamp

Pink Velvet Swamp album cover still not final


Hazy Green Nation

Hazy Green Nation album cover


A Ritual Away From Immortality

A Ritual Away From Immortality album cover


Other Las Almejas experiences:   Fuck Your Fake Rebellionmumblings and ramblingslast.fmtumblr