Discografía Nuestra
This discography isn't 100% complete yet. Given the band has recorded a few dozen 7" singles, it might never be completely finished. Here now are the full length albums. If you want to know the official lyrics you'll have to wait. For now, just scream along to the music the lyrics you think best fit the music.
The Sweetest Fruit
- The band's first album, released while the girls were still in high school
- US release date: 14 Dec 2006
- Sonically this album fits more in with old school punk bands like The Ramones and Dead Boys than their later grindcore releases.
- The cover seen at right (sold at retail stores) is censored. Please click the thumbnail image for the inner booklet fold-out, which represents the artist's original intent.
- Track list:
- Flogged
- Gravel
- Burnt
- Priapism
- Pipe
- Splat
- Flash Fire
- Velvet Crush
- Hobby Hoarse
- Bike Trail Rage
- The Fox's Umbrella
- The Velveteen Terrorist
- Christmas Cheer for Cassius Clay
- Torn Leather Jacket Blues
- total time (28:14)
Kittens Eat Roosters
- The band's second album
- US release date: 14 Aug 2007
- A slower, more aggressive sound from the band. Think equal parts Godflesh and Black Sabbath, with the exception of the Lemmy song being an upbeat thrash number.
- Initial copies contain a bonus dvd of live performances from the band's tour of Europe, which included a cover of Elvis' "Heartbreak Hotel". Once his estate sued (or maybe it was Elvis, from his home in Kalamazoo) the dvd was removed from future pressings. This is the most sought after collectible among Las Almejas fans.
- Track list:
- Have You Had Your White Line Today?
- Unsafe Sex Is More Pleasurable
- Carpet Munching Whore
- Brain Wave Disturbance
- Lemmy Kilmister is Jesus
- Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Patriarchy, Oh My!
- Speed doesn't kill, it just helps you function better.
- Rape Hoax
- Dirty Bath Water Blues
- total time (52:08)
Fuzz on the Peach
- The band's third album
- US release date: 24 September 2008
- Back to the fast stuff. Somewhere between early Black Flag and Motorhead. Originally to feature vocals by Lemmy, but he had to cancel at the last minute when his touring itinerary overlapped with our touring schedule.
- Initial copies included a guitar pick when it was discovered drum sticks wouldn't fit in the standard CD/LP package
- Album cover was almost banned by dirty-minded record store owners in El Paso. Wal-Mart (as usual) refused to stock it.
- Jen played bass and her guitar parts were later overdubbed
- Track list:
- The 2004 UTEP Student Government Elections Were Rigged
- Illegal Activity Can Be Very Profitable
- Trains Just Don't Derail By Accident
- The Mall Water Tower's Urine Content Is Too High
- Untitled Song About The July 10th Rainbow Above The South Street Ranch Cow Manure Pasture
- Spongy Brain Matter
- Dropping Acid On Your Lunch Break Can Alleviate Boredom
- Impaired Driving Is More Fun
- Raped Nostril
- Strawberry-flavored Pussy Juice
- Fiona Assaults Her Cellmate With A Broom Handle
- Infibulation
- Jammed Gun Suicide Blues
- total time (41:14)
22 Uses For A Severed Head
- The band's fourth album
- US release date: 31 Oct 2009 (delayed by two months so Jennifer could record her vocals)
- Full-on grindcore insanity! Carcass' Reek of Putrefaction to the nth degree. A concept album on the many practical uses of a severed human head. Cover depicts use #1 and the cd booklet contains images for the remaining 21
- Track list:
- Soccer Ball
- Kitchen Table Centerpiece
- Sex Toy
- Head Cheese
- Conversation Starter
- Pencil Cup
- Punching Bag
- Wig Tester
- Makeshift Toilet
- Day of the Dead Decoration
- Sock Puppet
- Making a Quick Buck At The UTEP Medical Supply House
- Coffee Cup
- Murder Weapon
- Percussion Instrument
- Blackmail Material
- The Only Man Who Loved Jennifer For Her Personality
- Air Freshener
- Back Scratcher
- Selling Teeth on the Black Market
- Grenade
- Bowl
- Is this love? (lp only bonus track cover of White Snake classic)
- total time (27:27)
Grindcore Cowgirls
- The band's fourth album
- US release date: 14 Aug 2010
- The first album the band has recorded with Fiona since Kittens Eat Roosters
- A cover album. The first side is 11 of the band's favorite country songs performed in the style of last year's 22 Uses For A Severed Head. Side two (or the second-half, for cd/iPod users) is 11 of the band's favorite grindcore songs played in the country and western style. All vocals on Side A by Lynn, while Jen sings all songs on Side B.
- Track list:
- Texas Women (originally by Hank Williams Jr)
- The Grand Tour (originally by George Jones)
- Kansas City Star (originally by Roger Miller)
- East Bound and Down (originally by Jerry Reed)
- Cold, Cold Heart (originally by Hank Williams Sr)
- Rainy Day Woman (orignally by Waylon Jennings)
- Sing Me Back Home (originally by Merle Haggard)
- Under Your Spell Again (originally by Buck Owens)
- Bettie, Bettie (originally by BR549)
- City of New Orleans (originally by Willie Nelson)
- The South's Gonna Do It Again (originally by Charlie Daniels Band)
- Gravedancer (originally by Pig Destroyer)
- Manifestation of the Varicose Urethra (originally by Carcass)
- Mentally Murdered (originally by Napalm Death)
- The Masked Face (originally by Nasum)
- Everyone Deserves To Die (originally by Cattle Decapitation)
- Leyes Narcos (originally by Brujeria)
- Tampon Terrorizer (originally by Cock and Ball Torture)
- Walking Corpse (originally by Brutal Truth)
- I Sent A Thank You Card To The Guy That Raped You (originally by Anal Cunt)
- Driller Killer (originally by Mortician)
- total time (30:14)
Pink Velvet Swamp
- The fifth album in as many years
- US release date: 20 Oct 2011
- Yet another new sound for the band — equal parts southern rock and sludge metal with a dash of stoner rock and maybe even a little bit of doom metal here and there! These songs are EPIC! But the band also includes four grindcore songs to keep the old school fans from getting too butthurt.
- A concept album about female superiority, the evil patriarchy, the joys of victimhood and all that AWESOME radical feminist shtuff. Just kidding! It's about smoking pot and eating pussy.
- Track Listing:
- Ode to the D.E.A. [Grindcore Song I] (2:19) — vocals by Fiona
- Welcoming the Friendly Stranger (11:10) — vocals by Lauren
- Love Song to the Goddess of Clips & Roaches (10:13) — vocals by Lauren
- Real Men Rim Their Girlfriends [Grindcore Song II] (2:31) — vocals by Jennifer
- The Sweet Smell of French Pussy (10:36) — vocals by Lauren
- Sludge Jam (23:36) [instrumental] — sludge metal re-imagination of The Allman Brothers Band's classic "Mountain Jam"
- Smoke Break 14 June 2011 [Grindcore Song III] (0:40) — vocals by Lauren
- The Joys of Drinking Bong Water (7:33) — vocals by Jennifer
- Love Song for Lauren's Beautiful Clitoris (11:25) — vocals by Fiona
- Ode to the N.S.A. [Grindcore Song IV] (1:53) — vocals by Fiona
- total time (79:56)
Hazy Green Nation
- The sixth album.
- US release date: 12 February 2013
- Still in a sludge mood, but with more stoner rock influence. We smoked even more pot than last time, so this should be a pretty good "head" album. Music to get high to. Taking drugs to make music to take drugs to, etc, etc. There are no grindcore songs on this album. We were tempted to sell-out and do an all grindcore EP (as a limited edition bonus) to satisfy the fans of that style, but why bother if ours hearts are not in it?
- For legal reasons, Fiona and Lauren want to point out the Ellen Page song is a fantasy and didn't really happen. At least not yet (we kid! we kid!). Don't sue, tiny Canadian lady.
- Track Listing:
- Dosing On The Cylinder (8:43) — vocals by Jennifer
- Let's Burn (10:18) — vocals by Lauren
- Sucking Mary Jane's Clit (13:13) — vocals by Fiona
- The Toasted Life (10:21) — vocals by Lauren
- Buddha Blessed This Grass (11:40) — vocals by Jennifer
- Amp Joint (6:53) — vocals by Fiona
- Fly Mexican Airlines (7:37) — vocals by Jennifer
- Ellen Page's Fist And Two Bottles Of Astroglide (10:13) — vocals by Fiona and Lauren
- total time (78:58)
A Ritual Away From Immortality
- The seventh album. Surprise, bitch, I bet you never thought you'd see us again!
- US release date: 12 December 2015
- We finally got all the sludge out of our system and we're in a mood for doom. Heavy doom riffs, lots of beautiful flute solos, more melodic vocals. Slow and low detuned music. Yes, we reflect on our violent world, but hope for a better future. Since clearing our minds of the pot fog, we know that nature and nurture can work together for a better future.
- Fiona plays flute & drums on all tracks. But not at the same time. Thank Goddess for overdubs.
- Finally, a full-length LP we can fit on one vinyl disc. But we're too cheap to press vinyl copies.
- Track Listing:
- Invocation of Santa Muerte (1:50) — instrumental with group chanting
- Out of the Sunken Catacombs (7:22) — vocals by Lauren
- Autumn Bonfire (8:20) — vocals by Jennifer
- Enchanted By The Light (6:33) — vocals by Lauren
- Dagger and Candlelight (9:13) — vocals by Jennifer
- Black Cats Guide My Path (6:45) — vocals by Lauren
- Lust of the Vampiress (8:10) — vocals by Jennifer
- total time (48:13)